So, as many of you who follow my facebook know, I have recently been given the best gift ever (well other than Lydia, Daniel and my camera-baby).A brand new sewing machine. I already had an older one, given to me when Daniel's grandmother passed away, but it did not work. So my grandfather bought me one when he came up yesterday (as well as multitudes of things for Lydia and a new video game for Daniel).
I have been a madwoman the past day making things. Last night was a blanket for Lydia, patched together out of flannel receiving blankets she had multiples of. It turned out okay, not too bad from years of not practicing. Lydia loves it though. She carried it around everywhere we went today. She knows her mommy made it with love...even if she did have to rush through it because her child wouldn't sleep until it was done. At one AM.

Today was another adventure entirely, and one that was just so freaking awesome. I went to Hobby Lobby (one of the best stores on the planet) and found the cutest material. Not having any clue what I was going to do with it, I bought 2 yards of it for just over 8 bucks. I got home, and was just looking at it, when it hit me: I'll make a sling to carry Lydia in! It seemed fairly simple and so I called my grandmother (the sewing genius of the family) and she explained the bits I didn't understand. Now, you must know that I have wanted a sling since Lydia was about a year old...but can't find one pre-made to fit my chest with Lydia in it.
So off I went, creating what I just knew was going to be a disaster. But I worked at it and worked at it, and had it done in about 2 hours. It's almost perfect, save for my slightly crooked french felled seam. But, it's hardly noticeable, even up close. It fits Lydia and I wonderfully, and will be used SO much. I plan on making a few more (and would be glad to make them for other people) so I can have some to match all my clothes. And I even have enough fabric left to make a mini sling for Lydia's babies. And here we are in the finished sling (please ignore my chins and sweat...I was hot...)!
I plan on doing much more with it, but I'm taking a break tomorrow. Just a reminder, tomorrow is the balloon release for Harley at 1PM CST. Please see my other post about it if you wish to participate. Thanks!