Monday, August 24, 2009

Not My Child! Monday.

 Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else has not been doing this week.

So, this is my first time with a "Not Me!" or "Not My Child!" Monday post , but oh boy, let me tell you just what my child has NOT been up to the past few days (and maybe a few things that her Momma has NOT been up to as well). Of course, with my child it has NOT been much at all.

Lydia has most certainly NOT been running around with a crusty nose and lunch still on her face. And I DEFINITELY did NOT take close up photos of said non-crusty face.

She also has NOT been playing on her Daddy's motorcycle, and I would NEVER let her mash the buttons on said deathtrap. She also did NOT sit on the potty for 20 minutes, only to poop as soon as I put her diaper on. She also did NOT exclaim "EW!" when she sat down in it. My child is also NOT screaming at the top of her lungs right now because her Daddy put her in time out. She would NEVER do that. 

Lydia also does NOT stick her head through the railings on the balcony...or through the back of the patio chairs. So one day I will NOT have to call the fire department to get my child's slightly large head unstuck from some small space. I would NEVER take photos of such an incident either.

I do NOT have the sweetest child on earth, and my child does NOT have the best smile of any little girl ever! Can't you tell?

1 comment:

LauraPicke said...

I definitely Do Not think she is the cutest thing ever! lol! no really, I love her. what a cutie.. By the way, MY child would never do those things either ;-)